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Public trust in charities has reached its highest level since 2014, according to research published by the Charity Commission.

An independent study showed that people’s trust in charities scored an average of 6.4 out of 10, up from 6.2 a year ago and significantly higher than the low of 5.5 recorded in 2018. The highest figure to date is 6.7 out of 10, recorded in 2014.

The Commission said the uplift may be linked in part to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and charities’ visible role in responding to the national crisis, notably in areas such as food poverty and support for NHS workers and other key workers.

Helen Stephenson, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission, said:

‘It is vital that we learn the right lessons from this research. The pandemic has been a momentous event in our collective experience, with charities proving their value time and again.

‘But it has not changed people’s fundamental expectations of charity. More than ever, people need evidence that charities are not ends in themselves, but vehicles for making the world a better place, both through what they achieve, and the values they live along the way.’

Internet link: Public trust in charities 2021: web version

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